Kidney disease is a health condition in which this pair of organs lose their ability to functions efficiently. An Ayurvedic hospital for kidney disease can cure your kidney disease naturally. On the other hand, Allopathy uses dialysis, kidney transplant with some medications. Allopathic procedures are expensive, risky, and out of reach of most of the patients. Kidneys are one of the important organs in the human body that perform a large number of functions for promoting and ensuring a good health state. Though kidneys perform several functions, the main functions of the kidneys are: Blood filtration Elimination of wastes and toxins from the blood Maintaining fluid balance in the body Releasing some hormones that trigger red blood cell production Making bones’ healthy When kidneys fall ill, they may lose their functioning ability. Signs of kidney disease When the kidneys become impaired, they lose their functioning ability. Due to the non-functionality of the kid...