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Acute interstitial nephritis associated with Ayurvedic treatment

Acute kidney disease is one of the severe kidney disorders that must be managed timely, otherwise, it can lead to permanent kidney failure that can prove fatal for you and your kidneys. It is the condition of the kidneys when kidneys suddenly become incapable of performing their functions fluently. It becomes more dangerous because Acute kidney disease occurs without any specific symptoms that make it difficult for the doctor to identify this health condition. Acute kidney disease ayurvedic treatment is the only way to manage this health condition with the help of the natural herbs and can prevent you from the occurrence of the disorder.

In some cases, acute kidney disease occurs when the patient is already hospitalized and taking any treatment for any chronic disorders. It is extremely crucial to keep your kidneys healthy by opting for some healthy and kidney-friendly tips. But in this blog, we are going to tell you about the complications that may occur when you get acute kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda.

Complications of Acute kidney disease

If you have symptoms, then it is necessary for you to go for the specific kidney disease treatment like ayurvedic kidney disease treatment. In this disorder, you may face the progressive loss of the kidney functions, and after some time, it became the reason for the kidney failure. Some of the complications of kidney failure are:
  • Peeing less than usual – Sometimes the blockage of urine flow contributes to acute kidney failure. It acts like both symptoms and complications. If acute kidney failure is not managed timely, then you may experience this health condition in which urinate less or not at all even when you are drinking fluids.
  • Swelling in your legs, ankles, and feet (caused by your body holding on to fluid) – When the kidneys become incapable of performing the natural functions for the kidneys that may lead to the build-up of the toxins in the blood that may lead to the swelling in the body.
  • Drowsiness or feeling very tired – The toxins build-up can also cause feel tired, weak, and can make it hard to concentrate on working in any domain.
  • Shortness of breath – During acute kidney failure or acute kidney disease, the excess fluid of the body gets accumulated in the lungs that can lead to shortness of breath.
  • Itching – Most of the acute kidney disease patients may face severe itching, and for the treatment of this health condition you can go for acute kidney disease treatment, which is safe and risk-free.
  • Loss of appetite – The appetite of the kidney patient reduces, as at that time their body is not able to consume energy from the food, and your body is not able to digest the food. That may reduce the hunger of the kidney patient.
  • Chest pain or pressure – The fluid also covers the lining of the heart that becomes inflamed and, in that condition, you may experience severe pain and pressure on your chest.
  • Muscle twitching – It is also known as muscle fasciculation. Twitching involves minor muscle contractions in the body that can be caused due to the damage done on the nervous system that can occur because of kidney disease.
  • Seizures or coma (in severe cases) – The seizures and coma are some of the rarest complications. The only way to avoid this rarest and the dangerous condition is to get acute kidney disease ayurvedic treatment.
  • Stomach and back pain – Your kidneys are located in the back and anything happens to the kidneys can also lead to the back or stomach pain.
  • Fever – Acute kidney injury damages the immune system and can raise the body temperature that may let the infection infect you.
These are Handful and common health complications that must be managed with the help of the natural herbs, which is the part of the acute kidney disease treatment.

Karma Ayurveda is one of the leading and the most popular health care institute that can help you in managing this health condition naturally. Karma Ayurveda uses Ayurvedic medicines that a hundred percent safe and hazards free. These medicines are made from natural herbs like punarnava, gokshura, dandelion, kaasni, and many more. If you are having any type of kidney disorder, then contact Karma Ayurveda.


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