Kidneys are the crucial organs of the human anatomy that holds the responsibility of blood purification. If the circulated blood is pure, only then the body will enable its healthy functioning. The kidneys filter waste products from your blood to excrete them through the urine. Therefore, sometimes the kidneys get diseased and are unable to do any work that causes nausea, weakness, high blood pressure, high creatinine levels, and a lot of problems. To get rid of your kidney problems, you need to take Ayurvedic kidney treatment and kidney diet plan . Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that not only squeeze and excrete wastes but also produce hormones that aid the production of red blood cells. Besides, the kidneys also support other organs in their work. But, when the kidneys become infected or diseased due to some reason, they may not work well. Diseased kidneys require proper treatment that not only eliminates disease but rejuvenates the damaged filter of the kidney. An ideal k...