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Showing posts with the label kidney failure ayurvedic treatment

Is Ayurvedic treatment offer the best cure for kidney failure?

Kidney failure is the final stage of almost all kidney diseases also known as end-stage kidney failure or renal failure. In this condition, as the name implies, the kidneys are no longer able to perform their natural tasks. Kidneys perform several functions to keep the human body well-working and hence healthy. The main functions of the kidneys are: Cleaning blood by removing wastes and impurities from them Excrete unnecessary fluid from the body to maintain the body’s fluid balance Regulating blood pressure Releasing some hormones to promote red blood cell production Keeping bones healthy and strong In kidney failure condition, kidneys lose their functionality potential and become incapable of carrying out these functions. In this condition, the best kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda is the only method to cure it efficiently. It is a problematic condition that requires proper treatment as soon as possible. What are the causative factors for kidney failure? Kidney failure is a fata...

Foods that are not best in Ayurveda for kidneys!

In the earlier blog, we told you the 4 foods that are not fit for kidney patients, and they are: Lemon Banana Mango Bittermelon In this blog, we came up with the 6 foods that are also counted harmful for kidney patients. All the foods that we mentioned in this blog, and in the previous blog are for those who are taking kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda . And, if you are facing the following of the uremic symptoms, then you should go for a checkup to know how well your kidneys are working. Swelling in some parts of the body Pain in the stomach or back Foamy or bubbly urine An elevated level of blood pressure High diabetes Reduced appetite Lack of concentration Weakness or tiredness Shortness of breath Increased uric acid Having one or more of the above-mentioned problems can be a sign of kidney failure. So, you should consult a person who can provide you with kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda. Yes, Ayurveda rectifies the damaged kidney by using natural ingredients and herbs that a...

Foods that are not best in Ayurveda for kidneys

Foods are our life. Some people can compromise with anything but not with their food. On the other hand, some do not even eat four meals every day. But, there are lots of people out there who are suffering from kidney disease or failure. Due to which they cannot eat their favorite foods. In Ayurveda, foods are used in the form of medicine that has the ingredients to cure an ill kidney. Therefore, some foods are not included in the diet of those kidney disease survivors who are taking Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure . Kidneys are the organs that do the following of the jobs to keep our organization (body) healthy and fit. They work to purify the blood and to eliminate toxins from the body along with the urine. They produce hormones that are crucial for the formation of red blood cells. And, to control elevated blood pressure. Furthermore, kidneys are vital to maintaining the levels of minerals, liquid, vitamins, and nutrients in the blood. They also convert vitamin D into its acti...

Ayurveda: An Exemplary Solution for CKD

Kidney disease is becoming very common among the general population with time. Poor lifestyle and unhealthy habits of humans is the major reason behind this loss. There are numerous ways in which the health of the kidneys gets affected. This blog will help you to understand the fundamentals of chronic kidney disease and some effective ways of treating it. Introduction to CKD Generally abbreviated as CKD, chronic kidney disease is the longstanding damage to the kidneys that eventually result in the failure of the organ. A healthy kidney performs many crucial functions among which filtration of the waste are one of the very significant. Due to this filtration activity, kidneys are indulged in, they are open and exposed to many toxins that can cause some fatal damage to the organ. When the kidney fails to carry out any of its functions a very dangerous amount of waste gets accumulated in the body leading to organ damage and failure eventually. This persistent damage of the organ ...

How Ayurvedic medicine can reverse kidney failure completely?

As an old saying goes ‘to defeat your enemy, you’ll have to take his weaknesses into account’. In the same sense, before knowing Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure , you’ll have to understand kidneys first. Kidneys are a pair of essential organs in the human anatomy that are responsible for removing the toxins and unnecessary fluid from the blood as well as the body. In other words, kidneys cleanse the blood by removing impurities from it. Clean blood is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Along with that, these organs carry out several other essential functions like generating essential hormones that help in ensuring good growth of the bones, stimulating red blood production and many more. That’s why kidneys are kept in the category of the most important organs in the human body. Kidneys carry out their entire functions efficiently but when they get any adverse factor or condition, their functionality gets affected. If that adverse factor or condition goes u...

10 signs of chronic kidney failure

When you know the signs of kidney failure , you can get yourself diagnosed and get chronic kidney failure ayurvedic treatment . Ayurvedic treatment is far the best treatment that can help rejuvenate the damage to the renal cells and improve the general capacity of the kidneys. Learning about the important signs of chronic kidney failure will help you in the early diagnose because hardly any sign is visible until stage 2 of CKF. See your doctor and have the required kidney function test. Many of the symptoms enlisted below are caused by other health problems. So, the only way to know your kidney function test is to ask for a GFR test. Glomerular filtration rate tells about the functioning of the kidneys and the stage of kidney disease a patient is in and accordingly you can take chronic kidney failure ayurvedic treatment. Amongst the other sign, back pain is not to be considered the sign of kidney disease. The kidneys are located above the waist on the backside of the body...

Reasons Why You Should Choose Ayurveda over Other Treatments

In the busy schedule of contemporary world kidney failure is the major health issue. Kidney failure is the disability of kidneys filtering and functioning capacity. This blog tells about some significant features of kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment along with the definition of kidney failure. What is kidney failure? Kidneys are the significant organ of the human body that helps in the treatment of waste and also assists in performing many other life-supporting functions. A healthy kidney helps in keeping the whole body in the right balance. Kidneys assist in the removal of waste and toxins from the body. Moreover, it removes an extra amount of water from the body. Kidneys perform a major part in the making of red blood cells and keep proper control over the blood pressure. However, when the kidney fails, the fatal damage to the kidneys prevents the performance of these functions. All these crucial jobs come to rest. The failure of the kidneys implies that 85 to 90% of the k...