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Foods that are not best in Ayurveda for kidneys

Foods are our life. Some people can compromise with anything but not with their food. On the other hand, some do not even eat four meals every day. But, there are lots of people out there who are suffering from kidney disease or failure. Due to which they cannot eat their favorite foods. In Ayurveda, foods are used in the form of medicine that has the ingredients to cure an ill kidney. Therefore, some foods are not included in the diet of those kidney disease survivors who are taking Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure.

Kidneys are the organs that do the following of the jobs to keep our organization (body) healthy and fit.

  • They work to purify the blood and to eliminate toxins from the body along with the urine.
  • They produce hormones that are crucial for the formation of red blood cells. And, to control elevated blood pressure.
  • Furthermore, kidneys are vital to maintaining the levels of minerals, liquid, vitamins, and nutrients in the blood.
  • They also convert vitamin D into its active form to sustain healthy bones.

For these four works, you should keep the kidneys healthy or even fit. Lacks of people are suffering from kidney disease or failure, but they are not aware of it. It is because the signs and symptoms of kidney problems occur when the disease became severe. Moving on, let’s talk about the foods that are not best according to Ayurvedacharya give Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure.

10 Foods that are not best in Ayurveda-

Lemon - Yes, kidney patients cannot make lemonade of lemon because they are not allowed to drink it. The following are the benefits of lemon that are not for kidney patients.

  • Control high blood pressure
  • Keep the heart-healthy
  • Reduce fat and bad cholesterol
  • Decreases high-level of diabetes
  • Detox kidneys
  • Help to eliminate kidney stones
  • Reduce the risk of cancer
  • Good for the digestive system
  • Hydrate the body
  • Healthy for the liver

People with the problem of kidney stones can include lemon in their diet because it is not detrimental to them. Therefore, if one has chronic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease, kidney failure, proteinuria, or nephrotic syndrome. So, he or she should avoid consuming lemon that can augment the number of problems for them. For complete information about can patients with Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure allowed to consume lemon or not. It is a YouTube channel, stop kidney dialysis, where kidney patients will get healthy and tasty recipes that they can eat.

Banana - Yes, your ill kidney cannot handle the level of potassium present in a banana. This is the reason why bananas are not considered great for a person who is consuming Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure. There are some nutrients that you cannot consume if you are suffering from kidney disease, and they are:

  • Protein
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Sugar
  • Fat

It is because all of these can raise the level of problems for your already damaged kidney. Potassium is one of the reasons why bananas are obnoxious to kidney disease survivors.

Mango - Keep calm and eat mango #AAM. But, if you are a kidney failure patient, then this quote is not for you. Because by eating mango, you will augment the number of issues for your ill kidney. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the leading causes of kidney failure. Mango is one of those fruits that can increase the level of diabetes and reduce the formation of insulin. That can put pressure on your damaged kidney or not great for those who are taking Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure.

Bitter melon/bitter gourd - It is a melon with no juice and sweetness. But, it is one of the best vegetables that are full of health benefits. Therefore, it is not good for people with high blood pressure and kidney disease. Yes, according to Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure expert. Bitter gourd with seeds is not healthy for your failed kidney, it can put pressure on your kidneys to work more than they usually do. Before including any food from your diet, consult to doctor, dietician, or Ayurvedacharya. And, you also can click on this link to know more about the advantages and disadvantages of bitter gourd for kidney patients.

These are the 4 foods that you should not eat because they are not suitable for the kidneys. To get to know about the left 6 foods, you stay tuned with us. In the next blog, we came up with the 6 foods that are also considered detrimental for kidney disease patients. And, if you are looking for a better treatment for your failed kidneys, then consult Karma Ayurveda for Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure.


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