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Overview of nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder in which the kidneys become disordered and may allow too much protein to pass through the urine. It is mainly caused by damage to the blood vessels in the kidneys that filter waste, preserve important substances, and eliminate urine.

Nephrotic syndrome is the occurrence of two or more condition together, such as:
  • Edema: Around the lower body part, eyes, and face
  • Proteinuria: More than 3gm protein on urine dipstick, Creatinine clearance ratio greater than 200 mg/mmol
  • Hypoalbuminemia: Serum albumin less than 25g/l
Too much removal of protein from the blood called albumin causes multiple complications to occur. Albumin is responsible for absorbing fluid in the blood and when this balance is out of control, swelling particularly in the feet, ankles, face, and around the eyes occur.

The treatment for nephrotic syndrome includes treating the underlying causes with the help of nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicines. The ayurvedic management of this condition includes herbal medicines, dietary changes to lessen the complications and lifestyle changes to slow down the progression of nephrotic syndrome into some serious kidney disease.

What are the signs you may have nephrotic syndrome?

The signs of nephrotic syndrome may occur because of low kidney function and the loss of albumin from the blood. You may not be able to witness signs of nephrotic syndrome right away, but in the later stages when the kidneys are not able to compensate for the loss.

After witnessing the signs, it is in the interest of the patient to consult a healthcare provider and get tested. If the test shows your kidney function is low, take nephrotic syndrome Ayurveda treatment.

The signs may include:
  • Severe swelling (edema), particularly around your eyes and in your ankles and feet
  • Foamy urine, a result of excess protein in your urine
  • Weight gain due to fluid retention
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • High blood pressure
  • Swelling or edema in the lower body especially

What are the causes of nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome is caused by damage to the clusters of blood vessels in the kidneys. The glomeruli filter the blood and preserve the large molecules of protein. If in case, the protein skips through the filters, the tubule returns the protein back into the blood. 

But if both become damaged, they may allow the protein to skip through them. So, these filters should be treated first with the help of ayurvedic treatment for nephrotic syndrome, this condition can be prevented.

Out of the many possible causes of nephrotic syndrome, some are related to the damage of the kidneys in the first place while others may secondarily damage the kidneys.

They may include:
  • Diabetic kidney disease: High blood sugar may damage the blood vessels in the kidneys leading to diabetic nephropathy.
  • Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: Scarring of some parts of the glomeruli because of another disease or a genetic condition or for some unknown reason. 
  • Minimal change disease: It is a common type of cause of nephrotic syndrome in children. Minimal change disease results in abnormal kidney function but usually remains undiagnosed when the kidney tissue is tested under the microscope. The cause is unknown though. 
  • Membranous nephropathy: It is caused because of the thickening of the glomeruli membranes. This condition is primarily caused by other medical conditions such as lupus, malaria, cancer, hepatitis B, etc.
  • Systematic lupus erythematosus: It is a type of inflammatory disease can lead to nephrotic syndrome.
  • Amyloidosis: This disorder occurs when too much protein called amyloid accumulates in the body and damages the filters of the kidneys.
If you also want to know how Karma Ayurveda’s ayurvedic medicine for nephrotic syndrome, then reach us!


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