Kidneys are the most essential organs in the human body as they perform a large number of functions to keep the body well-working and healthy. The condition in which kidneys become entirely incapable of performing their natural functions is known as kidney failure. It is the final stage of almost kidney diseases. It’s a fatal health condition that needs to be treated as soon as possible otherwise the patient may lose his life. Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda can help in eliminating this health condition permanently. Every year, numerous people lose their lives due to this disease; mainly dialysis and kidney transplant are used to manage this disease but this treatment is out of reach of most of the kidney failure patients. Symptoms of kidney failure Kidney failure is life-threatening health and hence it causes numerous symptoms. The main symptoms related to kidney failure are as below: Nausea and Vomiting Swelling in different body parts Pain in back or sides of the body Persiste...