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Proteinuria: Fundamentals to Ayurvedic Treatment

This article has been written in order to provide some significant information about proteinuria.


Proteinuria is a health condition defined by the excess presence of protein in the urine. It can be seen in any healthy individual. Protein is very vital for the human body and is meant to be in the body and not in the urine.

There are various types of protein present in the liquid substance of the blood. This liquid is known as plasma. The functions performed by kidneys are beyond filtration. One of the very significant functions of the kidney is to protect protein and hoard them in so that they do not get expelled from the body through urine. There are two processes by which the prevention of protein passage into kidneys is possible.
  • The glomeruli in the kidneys work as a barrier and hold the larger plasma protein within the blood vessels.
  • If some small proteins make their way to go out then it is reabsorbed by the tubules.
Therefore, proteinuria is the result of the damage caused in the tubule or the glomeruli of the kidneys. This condition can be efficiently restored with the help of the Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria.

Process of protein loss

As mentioned prior, we now know that a damaged glomerulus or tubule is responsible for the loss of protein in the body. The damage in the glomeruli or any kind of inflammation caused to it allows an abrupt amount of protein to pass into the urine and sometimes it lets the red blood cells go and leak through urine.

As the tubules present in the kidneys reabsorb all the rest and small protein, any damage to it prevents this re-absorption. Excess amount of protein in the blood with no re-absorption by the tubules also results in the loss of protein in the urine.

Individuals might develop a temporary or permanent sort of proteinuria. This might be in the association of their fever, the exercise they do, the stress they take, any drug, and exposure to a cold weather. Moreover, it has been seen that people also release some amount of protein when they stand up for a while and lie down. This condition is known as orthostatic proteinuria which is hard to find in people above 30 in age. Furthermore, the therapeutic herbs of Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria assist in the better prevention of this health condition.

Causes of proteinuria

According to the claims of health professionals, a definite amount of protein in the urine generally helps in the indication of the cause that is making the protein slip into the urine.

Among the various causes of proteinuria some good causes are mentioned below. See if you have any of them.
  • Hypertension- Commonly this is known as high blood pressure. The presence of proteinuria during high blood pressure is a sign indicating the decline in the kidneys’ capabilities. 
  • Diabetes- Individuals with the problem of type 1 and 2 diabetes highly get proteinuria.
  • Infections, kidney cancer, heart failures, immune diseases like IgA nephropathy and lupus, trauma, and disclosure to toxins are some other causes of proteinuria. Solution to all these problems lies in the Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria.
  • Moreover, the destruction of red blood cells results in the dispensation of hemoglobin in the blood which eventually results in protein in the urine.
  • There is a condition which is known as the cancer of the plasma cells. Medically this condition is called multiple myeloma. This depicts the condition of proteinuria due to an abrupt amount of proteins in the blood which is flowing in the urine.

Proteinuria and pregnancy

Women who are pregnant are subject to routine screening for proteinuria because there are chances that they might get protein in the urine. They are likely to have a pregnancy disorder known as pre-eclampsia in which they develop the condition of hypertension and proteinuria. These women might notice symptoms like edema, headaches, and nausea. In some cases, there can be some serious symptoms like seizures. This pregnancy-specific disease can be dangerous for the newborn and the mother. However, the condition can be brought under control with the help of proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment.

Proteinuria and Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria is one natural and herbal way to control and hold protein within the body. The effective and the majestic herbs of Ayurveda along with a proper customized diet guide for better nutrients provision, and yoga for the physical fitness assists the person to get a triumph overt proteinuria.

Furthermore, Ayurveda suggests the use of barley and cereals like wheat for the betterment of the condition. Additionally, do light exercise daily such as swimming, walking, and yoga. You can also go for a dry massage. For much better results, do not forget to take steam bath and to clean the genital parts.


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