A urine output measurement test is a process of diagnosis for a disease that may have entered the body and is affecting the functionality. The process collects 24 hours sample of the urine passed. It is a comfortable process of testing and can reveal a lot about the happenings in the body. Particularly, the functioning ability of the renal system. What develops the need for urine output measurement test? The need develops when your body start signifying abnormal changes. From the leakage of protein to blood in the urine, these changes are abnormal and require treatment. As a specific treatment cannot be given without diagnosis the need for urine output measurement test develops. What type of information can be derived? The urine passed from the body is nothing but a converted form of wastes that kidneys filter. The test ensures whether the kidneys can filter properly or not. If the processing is as per it should be and if the body is going through a disease. All these things including ...