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Showing posts with the label creatinine ayurvedic treatment

Which level of creatinine level requires specific Ayurvedic treatment?

As everyone knows that the creatinine is a waste product that comes from the standard and regular break down of the muscle tissue that can prove risky for your kidneys and your body if left untreated and stays in your blood. It needs specific creatinine treatment to reduce the creatinine level that can provide better treatment for this health condition. As the creatinine is produced, it filters through the kidneys and gets excreted in the urine. Doctors measure the blood creatinine level to test the kidney function from the serum creatinine level. The kidneys can remove the creatinine from the blood even after the damage done to the kidneys. The GFR or creatinine clearance test can help your doctor in identifying this health condition and that will help you manage this health condition. Different creatinine level and its importance All the blood in the body that flows through the kidneys a hundred times in a day. The blood passes through the nephrons (filtering units) and hold b...

Creatinine Ayurvedic Treatment By Karma Ayurveda

Creatinine is a waste product that produces from the regular metabolism of the body muscle. Everyone has creatinine in their bloodstream, but this must be eliminated from the blood by the kidneys, and you may need specific creatinine treatment. Creatinine is a waste product that is produced from the nitrogenous acid that is synthesized in the liver. Creatine transported to skeletal muscle and stored in the form of creatine phosphate and restores it in ATP after muscle contraction. Then creatine gets converted into the creatinine by non-enzymatic dehydration. Creatinine is mainly filtered by the filters of the kidneys (glomeruli). Glomeruli are the main part of the kidneys that are responsible for performing most of the functions of the kidneys. Relationship between creatinine and kidney disease Usually, doctors use a serum creatinine test to check the functioning of the kidneys. It is not the best and ultimate way to check the kidney’s health. It is because the level of the ...