Chronic kidney disease means the kidneys are damaged and nor filtering the blood. The reason is why it is called chronic kidney disease is because the damage to the kidneys takes place slowly over time and may not be visible in the initial stages. Chronic kidney disease can lead to a waste buildup in the bloodstream of the entire body. This blood flows to various parts causing a bunch of complications. For instance, if the lungs may have toxin blood, you will have problems related to breathing and similarly for heart and other subsiding organs. So, it is important to treat chronic kidney disease with a viable approach. You may have known about various allopathic treatments to cure chronic kidney disease, but chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is a natural treatment approach. Chronic kidney disease gets worse with time and leads to kidney failure if not treated early. The sooner you realize your kidneys are impaired, the sooner you can start with the treatment. What ...