Nephrotic syndrome is not a disease in itself rather a group of symptoms indicating damage to the filters of the kidneys. The kidneys filter the blood through a network of blood vessels called nephrons and glomeruli. The blood passes through these filters and the waste and extra fluid get passed down while important substances are preserved within. During nephrotic syndrome, the reverse happens and protein may skip along with the urine. Nephrotic syndrome is treatable with the help of nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine otherwise it can cause infections and blood clots. The ayurvedic physician might recommend you certain dietary modifications to prevent complications and slow down its progression. The following are the conditions related to nephrotic syndrome: Too much protein called albumin in the urine Low levels of protein in the blood High levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood Swelling in your legs, feet, ankles, or hands Who is at the risk of nephrotic syndrome? Anyone can...