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What should you know about Nephrotic Syndrome ?

The word nephrotic syndrome comes from the word nephrotic which means the disease related to the kidneys. It is a condition with a range of signs and manifestations leading to the risk of permanent renal failure, if left untreated. And just there are a variety of signs, so do the effects on people. Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic treatment is one such therapy that can cut the complications related to nephrotic.

Nephrotic syndrome is a type of kidney disease in which the filters of the kidneys allow protein called albumin to skip through them. This means protein level in the blood gradually reduces to extend of some underlying damage to the bones and overall growth of the body.

Albumin, which is an essential type of protein in the blood, the task of which cannot be underrated. It helps blood vessels to keep up with the fluid levels and when the albumin level reduces, this fluid escape to the other parts of the body.

Losing albumin means:

  • Swelling in the legs, face, and around the eye
  • Infections in the body
  • The risk of kidney related injury
  • High blood pressure
  • Weight again
  • Rise in cholesterol level

Are their specific types of nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome can either be primary or secondary depending upon how it is affecting the kidneys.

  • Primary Nephrotic Syndrome

Primary nephrotic syndrome occurs with the condition that affects the kidney’s filtering capacity in the first place. One of the common types of primary nephrotic syndrome is idiopathic nephrotic syndrome which is a rare glomeruli disease characterized by edema proteinuria, hypo-albuminemia, and nephrotic range, for which there is no cause to date. Minimal change syndrome or focal segmental glomerulosclerosis or FSGS are the two types of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. Usually, they are manageable, but you need to take nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic treatment for the same to prevent kidney failure in the later stages.

  • Secondary nephrotic syndrome

Syndrome nephrotic syndrome occurs in response to the other well-being conditions, such as :
  • Lupus
  • Hepatitis
  • Cancer
  • Lymphoma
  • Diabetes
  • HIV
  • Heart failure
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Drug abuse

What are the manifestations of nephrotic syndrome?

The loss of albumin from the body can lead to a set of complications during nephrotic syndrome. Blood clots normally occur because albumin prevents blood from coagulating together. The blood clots may prevent the normal blood and oxygen flow throughout the body.

Loss of immunoglobulins, which is an immune system proteins may not prevent the body from disease and infections in the future. The risk of a lung infection, pneumonia, cellulitis, a skin infection, abdominal infection, brain and spine infection increases rapidly at this time. Besides, medications given to treat such infections may further pose a threat to the kidneys. Hence, the ideal treatment approach to curing nephrotic syndrome is the ayurvedic nephrotic syndrome treatment.

Other life-threatening complications may include:
  • Anemia: A condition in which the red blood cells become deficient than normal, leading to obstruction in the oxygen transmutations.
  • High blood pressure: Since albumin helps keep up fluid level, its loss may result in fluid retention and eventually greater force of blood flow.
  • Hypothyroidism: When the thyroid grand does not generate the required hormones to meet the bodily needs.
  • Coronary artery disease: A heart disease caused by narrowing of the arteries supplying blood to the heart.
  • Acute kidney injury: Sudden failure of the kidneys.

Nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic treatment

The ayurvedic treatment to curing nephrotic syndrome is inclusive of herbal medicines made from the herbs, spices, and oils. It is the ancient treatment approach humankind has been blessed with. The use of herbs in the medicine revives the damage parts, cells, and tissues of the renal and simultaneously improves the filtering capacity of the glomeruli. This way, the nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic treatment can be thought of a natural therapy to elude any kidney related problems, including end-stage renal failure.

To get the best treatment of kidney problems, you can also contact us at Karma Ayurveda.


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