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What is chronic kidney failure?

Chronic kidney failure is the loss of kidney function over a long period of time. When the kidneys fail, they may not work exactly as they used to before failure. In the advanced stages of failure, dangerous levels of wastes and fluid back up in the body causing life-threatening complication called uremia. So, chronic kidney failure ayurvedic treatment is needed to get away with it.

What are the symptoms of chronic kidney failure?

If you are in the early stages of chronic kidney failure, not much of the visible signs are present. In fact, many of these signs of kidney failure are often confused with other illnesses and conditions. So, diagnose is often difficult until a person gets to know about chronic kidney failure through some tests and begins his chronic kidney failure ayurvedic treatment.
The signs in the early stages may include:
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Itching
  • Chest pain
  • High blood pressure
  • Sudden weight loss
But if a person reaches the late stage of chronic kidney failure, several different signs may appear depending upon how it is affecting the body.
Late stage symptoms may include:
  • Difficulty concentrating your mind
  • Cramps
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Bad breath
  • Skin that’s darker or lighter than usual
  • Bone pain
  • Excessive thirst
  • Insomnia
  • Urinating much more or less than usual
  • Hiccups
  • Swollen feet and ankles
  • Absent menstrual periods
  • Shortness of breath
  • Malnutrition

Does CKD cause other serious problems?

Kidney disease leads to many serious health problems, including conditions related to the heart and lungs. Fluid retention because of kidney disease may obstruct the functioning of various organs. For instance, fluid and waste deposited in the lining of the lungs may cause a problem in breathing. 

High blood pressure can be the worst complication of kidney disease because it further results in a low kidney function and the damaged kidneys cannot help control the blood pressure rate. 

During chronic kidney disease, the odds of developing acute kidney failure increases many times.

Causes of Chronic Kidney Failure

Amongst the most common causes of chronic kidney failure, the two prevalent ones are diabetes and high blood pressure. Both these conditions slowly damage the filters of the kidneys called glomerulus and tubule.
The other causes may include:
  • Damage to kidney function
  • Recurring kidney infections called pyelonephritis
  • Inflammation in your kidneys’ filtration system
  • Congenital kidney disease
  • Obstruction of your urinary tract
  • Autoimmune disorders
Also, you are at a higher risk of chronic kidney failure if you:
  • Smoke
  • Are obese
  • Have diabetes
  • Have heart disease
  • Have high cholesterol
  • Have a family history of kidney disease
  • Are over the age of 65
If you have any of these causes, then make sure to get yourself test every now and then. Avoiding diagnosis and chronic kidney failure ayurvedic treatment will increase the progression rate of kidney failure.

Diagnosing chronic kidney failure

Being at the risk of kidney failure, your doctor will conduct a series of tests to monitor your kidney function. Be regular in your tests if you have unusual symptoms.
  • Physical exam: It includes examining organs such as heart, lungs with the help of a stethoscope because your kidneys cannot remove fluid which may build up in the linings of such organs.
  • Blood and urine tests: Blood tests measure electrolytes and waste in the blood. Chemical products such as creatinine and blood urea should not be present in the blood, but if the kidneys are damaged, these wastes may have a higher level in the blood. Urine test further will help to check for any abnormality in the urine such as traces of protein and red blood cells.
  • Imaging test: Imaging tests such as MRI, CT scan, and ultrasound will give a detailed structure about the kidneys.
  • Biopsy: To determine the cause of kidney disease, a kidney biopsy with the help of a small surgery.

Treatment for chronic kidney disease

There are various treatment approaches that can help slow down the progression of chronic kidney disease into renal failure. Ayurvedic treatment is the best therapy that can help revive the old kidney function while the allopathic treatments only focus on surpassing the signs only. Dialysis and transplant may help improve kidney function but for a while and not for the whole life. On the other hand, the ayurvedic medicines are made from the rare herbs which have therapeutical effects on the cells and tissues and involve no surgery.

The rare herbs treat the channels of the kidneys called mutrarvaha srotas and improve the inflow and outflow of the urine. Even if you are taking dialysis for health improvement, taking chronic kidney failure ayurvedic treatment will help.

Preventing or managing chronic kidney disease
  • Aim to achieve a healthy blood pressure goal
  • Regulate your blood sugar goal
  • Eat healthy and make sure to cook at home with less salt, sodium and phosphorus
  • Avoid processed food items
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Quit smoking
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Take medicines as prescribed
  • Manage your weight
  • Get yourself enough sleep
Following these measures will help preserve kidney function if you have the risk factor already. Adopting these measures does not assure you that you will never have chronic kidney failure, but it allows the kidney function to remain stable.

For more information, reach us at Karma Ayurveda.


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