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Ayurveda: An Exemplary Solution for CKD

Kidney disease is becoming very common among the general population with time. Poor lifestyle and unhealthy habits of humans is the major reason behind this loss. There are numerous ways in which the health of the kidneys gets affected. This blog will help you to understand the fundamentals of chronic kidney disease and some effective ways of treating it.

Introduction to CKD

Generally abbreviated as CKD, chronic kidney disease is the longstanding damage to the kidneys that eventually result in the failure of the organ. A healthy kidney performs many crucial functions among which filtration of the waste are one of the very significant. Due to this filtration activity, kidneys are indulged in, they are open and exposed to many toxins that can cause some fatal damage to the organ.
When the kidney fails to carry out any of its functions a very dangerous amount of waste gets accumulated in the body leading to organ damage and failure eventually. This persistent damage of the organ requires some chronic kidney disease treatment for which there are different types of treatment methods available in the market with their own profits and contradictory consequences.

Dialysis and kidney transplant are the two lifesaving option from the view of allopathic treatment method. However, they are not always a success. On the contrary, Ayurveda helps in the wholesome improvement of this persistent damage with the goodness of nature.

Selecting the treatment

Chronic kidney disease can be very dangerous in its end stages. In the advanced stage of this persistent and gradual loss of kidneys functioning, a life-threatening amount of fluid, wastes, and electrolytes get accumulated in the body. In the initial stage of chronic kidney disease, there could be few signs and symptoms that cannot be noticed easily. When the kidneys of a human become significantly impaired, all these signs become apparent.

The focus of the chronic kidney disease treatment in allopathy is on putting a halt on the increase of the disease. On the other hand, Ayurveda focuses on taking control of the underlying causes of the disease and then put a halt on the speed on the disease progression. Ayurveda naturally treats and wholly rejuvenates the damage.

When it comes to the selection of the treatment it is important to understand all the positive and negative sides of the available treatment.
  • Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are the forms of dialysis in chronic kidney disease treatment that can be done from home and from some medical institutions. These are the two artificial methods of blood filtration that includes machines like dialyzer. In this process, the filtration of waste takes place outside the body. This procedure of blood filtration can be very painful as well as expensive. Furthermore, it is a continuous process and there is no end to it. There could be some major side effects of this artificial filtration process that can put the life of humans at risk. These side effects of hemodialysis could be low blood pressure, infection, anemia, itchy skin, and blood clots. On the other hand the side effects of peritoneal dialysis could be a hernia, peritonitis, imbalance in potassium level, changes in blood sugar level, and weight gain.
  • The next treatment method is the procedure of kidney transplant in which the failed kidneys of the human is swapped with the working and healthy kidneys. This takes a whole surgery and proper assistance and intensive care of the patients. The kidneys can be obtained from a healthy person who is said to be the donor or someone who is now deceased. The success of this surgery is not necessarily positive all the time with every patient. Sometimes, the body of a human does not accept the newly transplanted organ and results in various side effects from minor to major. Some of these side effects include risk of infections, risk of diabetes, hypertension, and increased weight, persistent pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, and swollen gums. All these side effects can be prevented by choosing something natural like Ayurveda for chronic kidney disease treatment.

Selecting Ayurveda

The selection of Ayurveda for chronic kidney disease treatment would be one greatest decision one will ever take. Once it is Ayurveda, there is no space of regret in life.

In the books of Ayurveda, chronic kidney disease is a disorder of urinary passage which is described as the Mootradosha which can result in edema. Ayurveda is very effective when it comes to chronic kidney disease treatment. As mentioned earlier in the blog, the focus of Ayurvedic treatment for chronic kidney disease is majorly in the root causes of the disease. The solution to this health condition is permanent in Ayurveda. The medicines people get in Ayurveda during the treatment is 100% natural as it the authentic extract of nature’s herbs and shrubs. Despite the cause of chronic kidney diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and nephropathy, Ayurveda comes up with perfect assistance in the complete elimination of these causes.

The advantages of Ayurvedic chronic kidney disease treatment does not stop here. Ayurveda continuously works upon the wholesome restoration of the damage that has been caused to the parts and functioning capacities of the kidneys. The prescription of Ayurveda is comprehensive of therapies, diet, lifestyle, and some significant changes to the human routine.
The efficient medicines of Ayurveda have made the treatment fully reversible and provision of a healthy living a truth. This treatment can potentially eliminate the need for dialysis and kidney transplant. Among the varied benefits of Ayurveda, its feasibility to any part of the population is what makes it the best. It can treat chronic kidney disease despite its stage and severity.

Ayurveda understands that every human body has different characteristics and requires some variation in the treatment which is why many Ayurvedic institutions that are serving the people in various parts of the world consider the customization of diet and herbs for each patient.

In addition, yoga comes complementary with chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda. Yoga and meditation assist in the physical and mental development of the human during CKD.


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