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Chronic Kidney Disease: Global and a Modern Problem

Chronic kidney disease or CKD is a health issue with similar conditions all around the world. Despite any factor, CKD is affecting people equally. This article is to inform you about the present scenario of CKD and chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda.


In simple terms, chronic kidney disease is the gradual loss of kidneys working. During this disease human kidneys lose their functioning capacity in a period of one month or a year. In the initial time of kidneys’ dysfunction, a person notices no symptoms. However, with time, he or she can notice symptoms like fatigue, edema, vomiting, low hunger or low urge to eat, and confusion. Furthermore, there is a certain risk associated with chronic kidney diseases such as hypertension, anemia, heart issues, and bone disease.

No doubt, one needs to go for the treatment as soon as he or she discovers the disease which is why chronic kidney disease treatment is necessary.

On an estimate, the number of people affected by chronic kidney disease is in millions and trillions all around the world in which the number of females is greater than that of males.

CKD and life expectancy

The eventual result of any untreated and chronic condition is death. Similarly, in the case of chronic kidney disease, small negligence towards the condition may result in demise. The life expectancy during chronic kidney disease depends upon two factors, the age of the person suffering and the sex of the person suffering. But, kidney treatment in Ayurveda makes it sure that the aftereffects of the medicines are holistic and what you are getting in the result is a healthy life and nothing else.

If we talk about the life expectancy of a person depending upon his or her sex then the life expectancy of a man in his 60s will be approx. 15 years when he will be in the first stage of chronic kidney disease. The life expectancy begins to fall from 15 years to 13, 8, and 6 as per the stage second, third, and fourth. Now, talking about the women in their 60s, life expectancy would be 18 years and begin to fall with an increase in the stage.

With this, we can say that the life expectancy of women is greater than that of men. However, the life expectancy in the stage fourth and fifth is almost similar in both sexes.

Depending, upon the age of the person suffering from chronic kidney disease, life expectancy stimulates. A 70-year-old man can live up to 9 years to 4 years in his four stages of the kidneys’ malfunctioning whereas, a woman of 70 years could live up to 11 to 4 years in all her four stages of the disease.

However, the difference can be seen in later stages. Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease helps a person efficiently work on his or her life expectancy as it does the wholesome rejuvenation of the disease and make the body fit to live again.

Note: This is an expected life span of a person with chronic kidney disease. We do not guarantee the statistics to be exactly true.

Ayurveda and chronic kidney disease

Accepting Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment would be one of the best choices you ever made in your life. Reasons? 

There are numerous. Despite the stage of kidney disease, Ayurveda has treatment for all. Customizing the treatment is the key and USP of this method. Every treatment for your stage of the disease is designed in such a manner that it will calm and equalize the tridoshic elements of your body and provides you with relief. The set of these doshas varies in every human and the treatment is provided to them after considering all these factors.

The accurate customization of Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure assists in addressing the disease right.

Ayurvedic medicine for kidney assists in the partial or complete recovery of a patient suffering from chronic kidney disease. There should be some dietary and lifestyle changes in people in order to slow down the progression of chronic kidney disease or to prevent the rise in persistent damage.

Best kidney failure ayurvedic treatment suggests these points for the betterment of a CKD kidney:-
  • Be cautious about the needed protein in your body and avoid the excess because an extra amount of protein in the body will generate urea and the poor kidneys during CKD would not clean it properly and face extra pressure.
  • Go with polyunsaturated fats instead of saturated ones as it may result in heart disease.
  • Avoid food rich in phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.
  • Eat the right amount of calories and carbohydrates.
  • Follow a proper diet plan prepared by your dietitian.


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