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10 signs of chronic kidney failure

When you know the signs of kidney failure, you can get yourself diagnosed and get chronic kidney failure ayurvedic treatment. Ayurvedic treatment is far the best treatment that can help rejuvenate the damage to the renal cells and improve the general capacity of the kidneys.

Learning about the important signs of chronic kidney failure will help you in the early diagnose because hardly any sign is visible until stage 2 of CKF.

See your doctor and have the required kidney function test. Many of the symptoms enlisted below are caused by other health problems. So, the only way to know your kidney function test is to ask for a GFR test. Glomerular filtration rate tells about the functioning of the kidneys and the stage of kidney disease a patient is in and accordingly you can take chronic kidney failure ayurvedic treatment.

Amongst the other sign, back pain is not to be considered the sign of kidney disease. The kidneys are located above the waist on the backside of the body. So, if you have back pain there, tell your doctor about it.

10 sign of chronic kidney failure include:-

Fatigue body

The kidneys are involved in the production of a hormone called erythropoietin that sends the signal to the body to make oxygen-carrying RBCs. With impaired kidney function there is less production of EPO and in result fewer RBCs. As the level of RBCs in the body declines the muscles and nerves including that of the brain become tired very quickly and so you feel tiredness. 

Feeling cold

Low production of RBCs results in anemia. An anemic patient feels cold even at room temperature.

Shortness of breath

This symptom can occur because of two reasons, one being that waste deposits in the lung make it hard for the body to transport oxygen to the entire body. Secondly, anemia which is low RBCs level does not allow the oxygen and the blood to be transmuted to the other body parts.

When the brain does not get enough oxygen, it results in low memory power or the inability of the brain in thinking clearly and low concentration.

Swelling in the hands

Fluid retention occurs in the late stages of chronic kidney failure because of the inability of the kidneys to eliminate fluid, and filter blood. When fluid starts to deposit in the cells and tissues, the patient notices swelling in the lower body parts especially around the legs, face, and also find it difficult to move around.

Itchy and patchy skin

During the kidney disease, waste and fluid buildup in the blood causing severe itching. This also happens because the kidneys cannot remove the excess of phosphorus from the blood which contributes to dry skin. Moreover, high urea levels are secreted by sweat glands in the skin.

Poor appetite

The waste build in the blood causes uremia, which makes the stomach appear bloat. The patient whose kidneys are near to failure may lose interest in food. Loss of hunger also results in weight loss and malnutrition in the patients.

Frequent urination or no urination

The kidneys are involved in urine production and when they become diseased, they may excrete too much urine or no urine at all. No urine production is quite a life-threatening and so the patient needs to take chronic kidney failure ayurvedic treatment to fight such complications and prevent life. Moreover, a kidney patient may feel pressure when urinating.

Foamy or bubbly urine

Unhealthy kidneys may allow the large molecules of a protein called albumin to skip through their filters. The presence of albumin in the urine makes it foamy like a scrambled egg.

Blood in the urine

Blood skips through the filters of the kidneys and appears in the urine. Most patients in their late stages of CKD notice urine giving frothy and dark-colored appearance.

If you are noticing any such signs of chronic kidney failure, consult Karma Ayurveda for chronic kidney failure ayurvedic treatment.


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