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An ideal diet for people suffering from kidney diseases

Kidneys are the crucial organs of the human anatomy that holds the responsibility of blood purification. If the circulated blood is pure, only then the body will enable its healthy functioning. The kidneys filter waste products from your blood to excrete them through the urine. Therefore, sometimes the kidneys get diseased and are unable to do any work that causes nausea, weakness, high blood pressure, high creatinine levels, and a lot of problems. To get rid of your kidney problems, you need to take Ayurvedic kidney treatment and kidney diet plan.

Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that not only squeeze and excrete wastes but also produce hormones that aid the production of red blood cells. Besides, the kidneys also support other organs in their work. But, when the kidneys become infected or diseased due to some reason, they may not work well. Diseased kidneys require proper treatment that not only eliminates disease but rejuvenates the damaged filter of the kidney. An ideal kidney diet chart plays a fifty percent role in the better functioning by accurate manducating and a healthy lifestyle. You can observe researchers saying during the kidney awareness programs how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a healthy kidney. Keeping that in mind, we are providing an overview of things that are a part of the kidney diet along with the kidney diet chart. Also, you will be told what you should NOT include in your daily eating patterns.

First, let us talk about the food options that general kidney patients can eat and the Ayurvedacharya may recommend during the Ayurvedic kidney treatment procedure:
  • Roasted Vermicelli
  • Wheat Oatmeal / Oatmeal / Broken Wheat
  • Green pumpkin
  • Papaya
  • Bottle gourd
  • Sponge gourd
  • Round gourd
  • Ridge gourd
  • Wheat chapati
  • Fresh fruits such as apples, pears, papaya, guava (without seeds), cranberries, blueberries, and blackberries (50 to 100 grams per day).
  • Lactose-free biscuits / sugar-free biscuits / wheat-based biscuits / Mary gold biscuits
  • Cumin, turmeric, coriander powder, onion, green chilies (without seeds), asafoetida and carom seeds.
  • Double toned milk / skimmed milk (50 ml for one day)
  • Herbal Tea / Normal Tea (1/2 cup a day)

Food choices that the renal dieticians strictly exclude from the kidney diet as per the Ayurvedic kidney diet:

  • Refined flour
  • Gram Flour
  • Oily food
  • Fried food
  • Frozen food
  • Processed food
  • Banana
  • Nuts
  • Spicy food
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Sweet potato
  • Egg yolk
  • Tomato
  • Multigrain biscuits
  • Curd, cream, butter, mayonnaise, and clarified butter
  • Poultry and animal meat
  • Salt
  • Carbonated drinks such as diet coke, juices, and soups, etc.
  • Coffee
  • Whole milk, flavored milk, and soya milk
Now let us discuss the common kidney diet chart for renal disease patients:
  • Mid-morning: Milk/tea-50 ml/ ½ cup and Marie gold biscuits-2
  • Breakfast: Veg upma (once a week) or roti with 1 bowl of vegetable/1 bowl wheat namkeen broken wheat with vegetables / 1 bowl wheat roasted vermicelli with vegetables /stuffed boiled onion roti without oil or roti with 1 bowl vegetable/Brown bread sandwich 1 time in a week but without edges
  • Lunch: Roti with 1 bowl vegetable / Roti with 1 bowl vegetable and 20 gm fresh curd / Roti with 1 bowl vegetable or paneer curry 25 gm or 1 egg white curry but once a week
  • Evening: 1/2 cup tea with a marigold biscuit
  • Dinner: Roti with 1 bowl vegetable / Roti with 1/2 bowl vegetable and radish but once a week / Roti with 1 bowl vegetable and carrot but once a week
Basically, the following points are considered before the recommendation of kidney diet chart:
  • Including healthy fats: Including healthy fat oils like fish oil (rich in Omega-3 fatty acids) can help in reducing the inflammation in the Glomerulus. Other than fish oils, here are a few healthy substitutes of artificial medicines to slow down the progression of kidney diseases; such as salmon, flaxseed oil, halibut, and trout.
  • Food option to suppress the progression of IgA nephropathy: During artificial treatments, the nephrologists can suggest corticosteroid medicines that may help in slowing down the progression but the side effects will always be there. Choosing foods that can stop the progression naturally is way more beneficial than having added complications. Such food replacements are turmeric and broccoli.
  • Managing the cholesterol levels: During Berger’s disease, because of the unhealthy kidney function; the risk of having high cholesterol increases and nephrologists may suggest you few pills and tablets to manage them. As a replacement, Ayurvedic kidney experts will suggest you consume such foods that can manage the cholesterol levels without after-effects.
  • Consuming foods that are a great source of diuretics: Diuretics are the nutrients that are naturally present in few foods helping in the production of urine and filtration of waste and toxins.
So, this was all about the kidney diet during renal diseases as per the dietary guidelines under Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment. We would still urge you to consult your doctor and nephrologist before following and applying. If you are someone looking for an alternate solution then feel free to reach out to the best nephrologist Dr. Puneet Dhawan of Karma Ayurveda hospital that has given cure for kidney diseases almost to 45000 patients worldwide. Karma Ayurveda hospital is based in Delhi but its services are open in Dubai, US, UK, and to the whole world.


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