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What is creatinine and how you can reduce it?

Creatinine is a waste material that comes from the normal execution of the muscles in the body. It is eliminated by the kidneys as it is present in the blood during the blood filtration process. Creatinine levels in the blood can signify the low kidney function or the abnormal functionality of the kidneys and consequently creatinine treatment is needed to propagate kidney function.

Each kidney has millions of filters called nephrons which are the tiny filter known as glomeruli and tubules. The blood is passed through the glomeruli where the waste, excess water and other impurities are removed. The role of the tubule is to absorb the important nutrients and return them back into the blood if in case the glomeruli are not able to retain them. The waste is then passed to the bladder as urine from where it is eliminated.

Having elevated levels of creatinine is one of the significant factors to evaluate kidney function. But this test is done along with our lab tests that include a blood urea nitrogen test and comprehensive metabolic panel. These tests are done during physical exams to diagnose chronic kidney disease and to check for any abnormal kidney function. If you are diagnose with CKD, then it is important to takes the best treatment for high creatinine.

What is the normal creatinine range?

Norma ranges of creatinine in the blood may be between 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL in males and in the female the healthy range is between 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL.

What are high creatinine levels?

There are conditions based on which high creatinine levels can be determined. These may include:
  • Creatinine levels that reach 2.0 or more in babies and 5.0 or more in adults may indicate severe kidney function.
  • A person who has only one kidney may have a normal creatinine range of about 1.81 or 1.9
  • Those who are on dialysis may also have high creatinine range based on other conditions, such as how much fluid the patient is retaining.

What are the symptoms of high creatinine?

The symptoms of kidney disease may vary accordingly. If the cause is an underlying kidney disease, the following signs may occur:
  • Feeling dehydrated,
  • Fatigue,
  • Swelling (edema),
  • Shortness of breath,
  • Confusion, or
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Neuropathy
  • Dry skin

Who has low or high blood creatinine levels?

In order to know if you need ayurvedic treatment for creatinine, consider if you are falling under any condition.

Those who have good muscle mass or middle-aged adults may have more creatinine in the blood than others.

In those with malnutrition, weight loss and long or chronic illness the muscle mass decreases over time. Therefore they may have creatinine lower than normal.

Elderly people may have less creatinine range as their body mass is low. Infants have a healthy range of about 0.2 or more.

Home remedies to lower your creatinine levels

Along with other creatinine treatment in Ayurveda, one must also follow some home remedies to help lower creatinine:
  • Cut back on rigorous exercise as this will release more creatinine into the blood
  • Reduce your protein intake
  • Eat more fiber
  • Don’t take supplements having creatinine substitute
  • Drink more water
  • Use only herbal medicines to improve the kidney function
Following these measures will definitely help a patient improve his kidney function along with herbal medicines and dietary changes.

If you know more about the ayurvedic treatment, reach us at Karma Ayurveda.


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