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What do elevated levels of creatinine signify?

Creatinine is a waste product generated by muscle metabolism. It stays in the blood until the kidneys remove them through the blood. Healthy kidneys filter creatinine which goes along with the urine. The doctors use creatinine as a measurement of kidney function. If the kidney function is accurate, more creatinine will be in the urine than in the blood or else blood has elevated levels of serum creatinine.

Having high creatinine is not a harmful condition every time as it may also occur for a temporary time period because of infection, stress, fever, strenuous exercise, or dehydration. But if more than three tests show creatinine being high for a long time, it means there is something wrong with your kidneys and you need creatinine treatment in Ayurveda. Though there are allopathic approaches as well such as dialysis to continue with kidney functioning, they are not a permanent treatment solution.

If we talk about ayurvedic treatment, it is a holistic approach to improve the functioning of the renal and to ensure that waste is eliminated naturally.

What does a creatinine level test mean?

Through a 24-hour urine test, it is examined how much creatinine is in the urine and then it is compared to the amount of creatinine in the blood. Another test that is being conducted to know how much creatinine you are clearing is a simple blood test.

Creatinine and glomerular filtration rate

Creatinine alone is not a measurement of kidney function rather another test is also conducted called glomerular filtration rate. GFR is a measurement of a healthy kidney function and is done with the help of serum creatinine test. It involves factoring your age, body size, gender, and weight to get a clear picture.

Based on the GFR, five stages of CKD are decided.

If creatinine measurement and GFR test signify a problem with your kidney filters, you should begin your creatinine Ayurvedic treatment.

What are the symptoms of high creatinine?

Having high creatinine does not mean you have a disease but it is a sign that your kidney’s function is not appropriate. The relative symptoms you may experience when having kidney disease are as follow:

  • Nausea
  • Chest Pain
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in urination frequency and appearance
  • High blood pressure
  • Swelling in your body
  • Sudden weight gain because of fluid retention
  • Itchiness

What can you do about high creatinine?

If you have a high creatinine level because of impaired kidney function, it is important to take serious steps to protect kidney health. The best thing you can do is take Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine. Along with the treatment, you also need to follow to get the most out of your treatment and that may include:

  • Follow a healthy renal diet
  • Make changes in your lifestyle and living habits
  • Cut back on strenuous workout sessions
  • Avoid creatinine based supplements
  • Drink more water
  • Say no to red meat and other sources of animal protein
  • Do not consume over the counter medicine in excess
  • Control your blood pressure weight
  • Have a healthy blood sugar level
  • Lose weight
  • Do not smoke or drink liquor

High creatinine and protein

During the times of high creatinine, make sure not to get into too much protein. The body uses creatine in muscle metabolism and creatine is the waste product of that process. Proteins are fuel to that process which means you that more protein you consume, the more is the production of creatinine and other wastes.

When the kidneys are not working well, these waste products are hard to be eliminated by the kidneys and so the waste level in the blood rises. Talk to your renal dietician about how much protein you should be getting through your diet.

For more information on creatinine treatment in Ayurveda and a healthy diet plan during high creatinine levels, give us a call!


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