Proteinuria is the condition of the kidneys in which a person excretes an abnormal amount of protein through their urine. It is the kidneys which filter the blood and remove the toxins from our body while keeping the important substances. But in the case of proteinuria, a protein called albumin skips through their filters resulting in protein loss or leakage. It can be witnessed in some healthy individuals as well, for a temporary period of time.
Plasma the liquid portion of the blood contains many different proteins. Among the many roles of the kidneys, one is to conserve plasma protein so that it is not eliminated along with other waste.
Apart from protein loss, proteinuria is also characterized by the occurrence of the following conditions:
- Too low levels of protein in the blood
- Too little triglycerides and cholesterol levels
- Swelling in the body or edema around the face and eyes
Proteinuria can turn life-threatening if not given timely care and treatment. It has the tendency to become a chronic kidney disease over time. So, make sure when you get diagnosed with proteinuria, you take ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria. This treatment will ensure an improvement in kidney function.
In some cases, proteinuria is also related to temporary conditions such as dehydration, severe infection or cold, intense workout, fever, etc.
What are the causes of proteinuria?
There are various causes of proteinuria related to some medical and nonmedical conditions and might include:
Dehydration means the body is losing too much fluid which in return is responsible for the damage to the filters of the kidneys. It is a temporary cause of proteinuria.
It can be caused by:
- diarrhea
- vomiting
- excessive sweating
- fever
- not drinking enough water
High blood pressure
High blood pressure slowly damages the filters of the kidneys and weakens them over time. This decreases their ability to absorb protein and thus it leaks into the urine.
High blood pressure can be caused by the following conditions:
- kidney disease
- thyroid problems
- obstructive sleep apnea
- adrenal gland tumors
- some medications, like birth control or decongestants
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that causes blood sugar to rise over time. There are several types of diabetes, type1, and type2 diabetes. But type2 is considered severe in terms of kidney damage. Diabetes occurs when the body is not able to produce enough hormones or the body cannot utilize insulin properly.
Glomeruli are the small blood vessels of the kidneys involved in the blood filtration process. During proteinuria, the filters of the kidneys become inflamed and thus allow the protein to leak along with the urine.
Reasons why glomeruli may damage over time include:
- bacterial endocarditis
- hepatitis B
- hepatitis C
- lupus
- diabetic nephropathy
- high blood pressure
Chronic kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease is the loss of kidney function over time. When it happens, the body is not able to filter the toxins which stay in the blood. Proteinuria is the sign of chronic kidney disease and so in order to prevent kidney function from getting detrimental, take proteinuria ayurvedic treatment.
The following are the causes of CKD:
- glomerulonephritis
- diabetes
- high blood pressure
- heart disease
- interstitial nephritis
- polycystic kidney disease
- recurring kidney infection
In order to know if you have CKD or not, look at the existence of the following signs in your body:
- shortness of breath
- frequent urination
- hiccups
- fatigue
- nausea
- vomiting
- trouble sleeping
- dry, itchy skin
- swollen hands and feet
- poor appetite
Autoimmune diseases
Autoimmune diseases are the ones that allow the immune system makes antibodies and immunoglobulins that attack the body’s tissues and cells. These substances are called autoantibodies. These autoantibodies if become injure can attack the glomeruli and thus inflammation may occur.
These autoimmune diseases are associated with linked to proteinuria:
- Systemic lupus erythematosus.
- Goodpasture syndrome
- IgA nephropathy
After 20 or more weeks, a pregnant lady may have high blood pressure if she is suffering from preeclampsia. This affects the kidney’s filtration capacity for a temporary time period which causes proteinuria.
The other symptoms that may occur at that time include:
- swollen hands and face
- headaches
- blurry vision
- abdominal pain on the right side
- increased weight gain
Cancer also leads to the occurrence of proteinuria. Several types of cancer are associated with proteinuria and may include:
- renal cell carcinoma
- lung cancer
- breast cancer
- colorectal cancer
- non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- multiple myeloma
What is ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria?
The ayurvedic treatment to cure proteinuria is a natural therapy consists of only herbal medicines made from the combination of rare herbs and spices. The herbs can profoundly alter the change in the kidney function by channelizing the energy of the mutravaha srotas. It is believed in Ayurveda that any condition in the body arises when the channels of that body part are not working properly and there is blockage of energy.
Through ayurvedic medicines, lifestyle changes, and yoga you can channelize your energy and live the best of your health.
For more information on ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria, contact Karma Ayurveda.
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