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Spices: The Ayurvedic medicines for kidney failure

How often do you think of the reason behind adding spices to your food? Well, probably 90% will say that they have never thought this way while the others will say sometimes. Widely known as flavour boosters these spices act as Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure. We all love the aroma and taste that makes our food appealing and tempting but it is not the only role that spices play. Recent studies show that spices have been used as a traditional remedy for the treatment of kidney diseases. Research shows the potential benefits of spices and herbs, which are rich in antioxidants and excellent sources of other vitamins and minerals. Many spices and herbs even contain nutrient levels comparable to fruits and vegetables.

It becomes easier for a dietician to prepare a diet that needs replacements of salt, sugar and fat because of the availability of such Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure/spices. These spices and herbs are easy to incorporate in our food with little variation suggested by the nephrologist or Ayurvedacharya. Through this blog of Karma Ayurveda, we will tell you the spices along with their benefits.

  • Garlic (लहसुन): It is a flavourful Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure that has got both antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It is a must-have ingredient in Indian, Chinese and Italian foods. People store it as raw or in the forms of paste and powder.
  • Oregano (अजवाइन के पत्ते): An Italian herb that people are addicted to having in pasta, pizza, garlic bread etc. Oregano is enriched with Vitamin K that helps in maintaining bone health.
  • Rosemary: During kidney diseases, people tend to have reduced memory power and affected brain health. Consumption of rosemary after the consent of Ayurvedacharya can bring revolutionary changes to your memory, cognition and brain health.
  • Ginger (अदरक): It is another common spice that people use in various forms and dishes. From tea to full course meal, ginger is widely used for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a naturally imbibed antioxidant and pain-relieving properties that may help people with nausea and vomiting.
  • Basil leaves (तुलसी की पत्तियां): It is a holy herb that Indians consider as a Goddess. It is a sacred herb that provides multiple benefits to human health. Diabetes is one of the major causes of kidney diseases and here basil leaves act as an Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure.
  • Cinnamon (दालचीनी): It is a common spice and a kidneys’ friend that help in regulating the blood pressure. In India, it is widely used as a flavour that can add aroma and taste in tea and north Indian cuisines. It is has got antioxidant properties in abundance.
  • Turmeric (हल्दी): Turmeric is an Ayurvedic medicine that has been used for medical practices for ages. But the irony is, we know it as a spice to be used in the foods. Turmeric is also known as the Indian saffron or the golden spice of India. The cultivation of turmeric is majorly done in China, Japan & the Indian subcontinent. The scientific name of Turmeric is Curcuma longa. It is a flowering plant that belongs to the ginger family. Roots of the turmeric plant are being used in the majority. It is a bit mild-ginger in taste
  • Cumin (जीरा): Cumin is rich in protein, carbohydrates fibres, minerals and vitamins. Also, it is rich in numerous micro-nutrients like carotene. Glycoside, lycopene and terol In short, Cumin is abundant with different nutrients and vitamins.

So, these are the kidney failure Ayurvedic medicines that has been in use since ancient times. But only modifying and replacing the ingredients wouldn’t be enough to prevent or repair the damage done to the kidneys functioning. You would need proper guidance of an Ayurvedacharya that can help you with accurate amounts for the healthy well-being of kidneys. One such Ayurvedacharya is Dr. Puneet Dhawan who has been practicing Ayurveda for the past seven years and has cured 4500 approx patients to date.

Dr. Puneet Dhawan is the director of Karma Ayurveda. It is an Ayurvedic institute that has been curing the kidney patient with Ayurvedic practices since 1937. The Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure is not restricted by demographic and available widely. So far, more than 45000 kidney patients have been benefited by the Ayurvedic treatment to date. The medicines are provided by us at our headquarters itself so that, you don’t have to hustle to get these medicines.


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