In this article, you will get to know about the following facts related to red bell pepper/लाल शिमला मिर्च.
- Nutrition facts
- Health benefits
- Allergies linked with red bell peppers/लाल शिमला मिर्च
- Adverse effects of red bell pepper
- Red bell pepper varieties
Red bell pepper is also known as sweet pepper that is high in vitamin C. This pepper not only reduces the risk of certain chronic health problems. But, also helpful for those who are battling from aging-related health issues. लाल शिमला मिर्च/ Red bell pepper is counted as the best pepper because it is less in calories, carbohydrates, or fat, but it the most nutritious in the comparison of all the sweet peppers out there in the world.
The nutrition facts related to Red Bell Pepper/लाल शिमला मिर्च
The following are the nutrition that you get from 149gram of red bell pepper whether it is raw or cooked.
- Calories: 39
- Fat: 0.5g
- Sodium: 6mg
- Carbohydrates: 9g
- Fiber: 3.1g
- Sugars: 6.3g
- Protein: 1.5g
- Vitamin C: 190mg
In red bell pepper, the non-fiber carbohydrates are glucose and fructose and both of them are counted as natural sugars. So if you are taking Kidney disease Ayurvedic treatment and have diabetes, then you can include this pepper in your diet chart. But, do not consume red bell pepper with their seeds that are not healthy for your kidneys.
This bell pepper contains healthy polyunsaturated fat that anyone can consume whether he has kidney disease or diabetes.
If you are following a diet high in protein, then red bell pepper is not enough for you. It is because the amount of protein in this pepper is very small. To consume proper protein, be sure to add legumes, nuts, dairy, meat, or fish in your diet. But, for kidney patients, red bell pepper is healthy.
Vitamins and Minerals
By eating red bell pepper (लाल शिमला मिर्च), you get vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B6. Vitamin C. All these vitamins are essential for your immune system, and in the production of collagen for healthy bones, skin, and hair. Along with that vitamin C also works to facilitates the absorption of iron. A healthy level of iron in your body reduced the risk of anemia.
In a nutshell, red bell pepper is a great source of antioxidants, lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, vitamin E, vitamin K, folate, potassium, and manganese.
If you are a kidney patient and taking Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment, then before including this pepper in your diet, consult your Ayurvedacharya.
The health benefits of red bell pepper
You have read about the nutrients that you get from this pepper, now moving on to its health benefits and they are:
- Anti-cancer compounds in red bell pepper have the potential to lower the risk of cancer.
- According to some lab test reports, the properties of the nutrients in this pepper may improve the health of the heart. However, this study was not done in humans, so more research is needed for complete behavioral knowledge of nutrients in humans.
- Red bell pepper may protect your eyesight because of the presence of macular in it, which deficiency is the reason behind weak eyesight.
- Manganese, copper, and zinc present in this pepper may promote bone health that is very common in people who are taking Allopathic or Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment.
Allergies linked with red bell peppers/लाल शिमला मिर्च
The allergies linked with this pepper are rare. The people who are allergic to latex or have the latex-fruit syndrome that can cross-react to and cross-react to bell peppers protein. That is the reason why we said that do not include anything in your diet without talking to your doctor. People with this latex-fruit syndrome should also avoid eating fruits like avocado, banana, chestnut, fig, and kiwi.
Adverse effects of red bell pepper
If you are from those people who think that by eating red bell peppers you suffer from gas. So, let us confirm that this effect, however, happens because of green peppers.
Red bell pepper varieties
Bell peppers are also known as capsicum annuum that can be green, red, yellow, purple, orange, white, and brown. They come in the sizes from mini to softball. And, in the comparison of other bell peppers, red bell pepper is the sweetest of them.
You will get peppers in the form of frozen, roasted in cans or jars, or dried and ground (as in paprika). And, red pepper is the nutritious and healthiest one.
Note - If you are taking Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment, then you cannot consume jarred roasted red peppers that have a large amount of sodium and fat.
These were some of the vital information about red bell peppers for kidney patients. In case, if you or anyone in your known is searching for a treatment that works to terminate the disease, then contact Karma Ayurveda.
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