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Knowing the Depth of Ayurveda for Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a major threat to the life of humans but not getting the right treatment is even worst. At present, when we suffer from any kidney ailment or any other health-related issues we conveniently rush towards all the artificial treatments that gradually make our body addicted to the treatment procedure and the drugs. The time we quit the medicines, our bodies began to notice changes and damages that can be fatal. On the contrary, the Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease or any other ailment is free from any condition and makes the human independent of the treatment as soon as possible.

Many of us do not believe in Ayurveda regardless of its history of 5000 years and its achievements. The reason behind this could be the world that lives only on the principles of science. However, Ayurveda is also a science very few people know. We cannot blame the Ayurvedic medicines or treatments because it is we who are at fault. There could be many reasons why we do not have our faith in Ayurveda and the basic reason is the scientific world we live in. From a very young age we start experiencing the world with the spectacles of science and never try to seek the nature. We are aware of the natural resources but we never tried to know how these natural things can make us healthy when we fall sick or what other benefits these natural preparations can have on humankind.

In this blog we will study many facts related to Ayurveda, its treatment, and the medicines (all in the context of kidney disease). The first very basic thing about Ayurveda is the meaning of the word itself, it means knowledge of life. It is a very old health care tradition that has its origin in India which is now practiced all around the globe.

Ayurvedic principles

The principles of Ayurveda are very different from what we follow in the allopathic form of treatment. Ayurveda is focused on the health care and says that every human body has a different constitution that determines the physiological, physical, and mental character of the human. This constitution also makes the disease vulnerability different in humans. There are three bodily energies that Ayurvedic experts call “doshas” as there is no English term for it. Every human body has one or two doshas that dominate the other and hence that character becomes apparent in the human. These doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and have their link with air/space, fire, and earth/ water respectively. As per the beliefs of Ayurveda, factors like an unhealthy diet, stress, strained relationships, and weather can be the reasons that can cause an imbalance between these doshas. In the case of kidneys, the imbalance can be seen in the Kapha dosha and kidney disease ayurvedic medicine made exclusively for the alteration of this imbalance can cure the ailment.

Kidney disease in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, kidney disease is said to occur when there comes any problem in the mootra dosha or the channels that carry the fluid inside and outside the body. When there is a blockage in the channels that helps in the inflow and the outflow of the liquid then swelling and shrinkage in the kidneys occur. In order to bring this condition in the right place, the use of Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease is made, with the help of their therapeutic quality cleans the way and unblocks the channels.

Moreover, according to many Ayurvedic experts, the kidney disease or the issue is in the mootra dosha is the result of vitiation that occurs due to the intake of unhealthy food and drinks (alcohol), sexual intercourse with the desire to micturate or urine, also while the human suppress the desire of urination, malnutrition, and severe kidney injury. This is the reason why the guidelines of treatment along with Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease suggest the consumption of healthy food, quitting alcohol, and suggest not holding the urge of urination for long.

Medicines of Ayurveda

Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease is made up of 100% authentic herbs. The selection of the herb is based on the qualities of the whole plant. While making the medicines out of herbs all the safety measures are wisely followed and no chemical compounds are added. The formation of Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease takes place under the guidance of experts. These medicines have major health benefits for the human body. It treats the deteriorated cells of the kidneys, cures all the underlying symptoms, and supports the self-rejuvenating capability of the kidneys. Moreover, these medicines eliminate the dependency of humans over any artificial treatment such as dialysis and provide strength to the organ until it is treated completely. Some well-known benefits of Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease are as follows.

  • These medicines have less side-effect.
  • Affordable in comparison to conventional drugs.
  • It helps in the stabilization of metabolism and hormones.
  • It provides the overall healing.
  • It makes the human immune system strong.
  • It helps in maintaining the right weight.
  • Reduces stress, anxiety, and inflammation.
  • It helps in bringing cholesterol and blood pressure down.
  • Effectively eliminates the symptoms and diseases.
  • Helps body cleansing and removal of toxins from within.

Ayurveda is deeply filled with benefits for humankind.


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