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Everything about Chronic Kidney disease and its treatment

14 % of the general population is experiencing this health condition. It is one of the severe disorders because it is very difficult to identify this health condition in the early stage. In most cases, it goes undetected until it advances to kidney failure, and even, it can lead to the death of the patient.

Chronic kidney disease is the condition of the kidneys when they are unable to filter the blood, the way they should do. The term chronic in the name of the disorder that means the damage happens slowly over a long period. The damage can lead to the build-up of the wastes to build up in your body, and CKD can also lead to the other health problems that we are going to tell you in this blood. Chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is the only to manage this health condition with the help of natural herbs and some powerful/effective home-remedies.

Who is more likely to develop CKD?

There are several risk factors for having chronic kidney disease but you are the more risk if you have:
  • Diabetes – It is a common fact that diabetes is a leading reason for having chronic kidney disease. High blood glucose or blood sugar level can damage the blood vessels of the kidneys, and that can lead to damage to your kidneys. According to the recent survey, 1 in every 3 individuals with diabetes may face chronic kidney disease.
  • High blood pressure – After diabetes, high blood pressure is the second leading cause of CKD. High blood pressure can exert extra pressure on the blood vessels of your kidneys to perform their natural functions. Even, research shows that almost 1 in every 5 individuals with high blood pressure may have chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda can manage all these kinds of chronic diseases naturally with the help of the natural and the powerful home remedies.
  • Heart disease – Research shows the association between kidney disease and cardiovascular disorder. People with a cardiovascular disorder are at higher risk for having any stage and type of kidney disease, and vice-versa. Researchers are working harder to understand the relationship between kidney disease and heart disease so that they can find the permanent cure of the disorder in allopathy. But this health condition is easily treatable with the help of the Ayurveda and its therapies.
  • Family history of kidney disorder – If anyone in your family is having this disorder, then you should visit your health care provider as you are also at risk of developing chronic kidney disease. If you have chronic kidney disease, then you should encourage the family to go for the routine test. If you have any kind of kidney disease, then you should choose chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda.
There is no specified age at which the CKD affects you. Even, you may get this disorder at the age of 1. The longer you had diabetes and high blood pressure or cardiovascular disorder the more you are at the risk of developing kidney disease.

Does CKD cause other health-related problems?

Kidney disease can lead to other health-related problems and most importantly CKD patients can lead to cardiovascular disorder. If you have kidney disease, it increases the chance of having a stroke or heart attack, therefore you should manage this health condition with the help of chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda.

High blood pressure can be both a cause and a symptom of kidney disease. High blood pressure damages the kidneys; therefore, you should need to manage your blood pressure level without any side-effect that is only possible with the help of the natural herbs.

If you have chronic kidney disease, then there are higher chances of having a sudden failure of the kidneys or acute kidney failure.

Will damaged kidneys get better naturally?

Kidney disease is a progressive disorder that means it damages the kidneys over time. CKD may lead to permanent scars on the organs. The scaring can be revered easily with the help of natural herbs and dietary modifications.

You should take steps to protect your kidneys like managing your blood pressure and your blood glucose if you have diabetes but try to avoid allopathic ways.

If you are also experiencing chronic kidney disease, then you should consult from the Ayurvedic kidney doctor of Karma Ayurveda. They are known for providing kidney treatment with the help of the goodness of nature.


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