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What is the Ayurvedic treatment for CKD stage 3 patients?

The kidney helps clean the blood in our body by flushing out all kinds of waste products through urine When Chronic kidney diseases attack the functioning of kidneys at initial stages, you barely get to sense the symptoms. It will be CKD stage-3, the patient starts to observe the signs of kidney failure. If he gets his urine and blood samples tested, some abnormalities may show occur like a slight increase in serum creatinine. However, there’s always a way out with Ayurvedic medicines for kidney damage. The natural medicines incorporate the resources available in nature.

How to know the progression of Chronic Kidney Disease Stage-3?

Stage 1 and stage 2 are a bit difficult to detect the presence of chronic kidney disease but stage 3 of chronic kidney disease can be known by observing the above-mentioned symptoms. You can diagnose your kidney problem with the help of an MRI, CT scan, and contrast X-ray. If the symptoms of chronic kidney disease stage 3 are taken care of, then the progression might get stopped.

Now we must focus on the Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment, how things go in this type of kidney treatment. Ayurvedic medicines for kidney damage are not similar to what the other types of treatment provided. It included the consumption of herbs, shrubs, essential oils, and healthy food. In some cases, you will be asked to modify the way you live and spend the day. But all these will result in the rejuvenation of kidneys by a whole natural kidney treatment only.

Bringing back the functioning of the damaged kidney is a difficult task. It can be a challenging task if kidney disease continues to slow its progression. Kidney patients have two options to cure their damaged kidney; first, allopathy and second, Ayurvedic. If the kidney patient chooses allopathy treatment, he or she has to undergo prolonged painful dialysis and at last, the doctor may advise him or her to have a kidney transplant. One more disadvantage of allopathic treatment is that the doctors will only make you get rid of the symptoms due to kidney failure rather than pulling out the root causes. But if the kidney patient chooses Ayurvedic medicines for kidney damage, he may start to recover soon and does not have to undergo unpleasant dialysis and kidney transplant.

What happens at stage 3 of chronic kidney disease?

Changes in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of a person with stage 3 problems of chronic kidney disease, cause the kidney to stop functioning properly. If the GFR is less than 90 ml/min, your kidney has started to deteriorate already. Stage-3 of CKD is further divided into two categories; The first stage in which GFR is 45 to 59 and in the same second phase GFR 30 to 44. Your kidney condition is also going to be serious due to falling GFR.

Chronic kidney disease is usually not sudden, it is also the cause of high pressure on the kidneys or health problems such as diabetes and blood pressure. By getting blood and urine checked, you can learn about the performance of your kidney. Due to which the kidney has become bad or in which stage the Ayurvedic medicines foe kidney can be given accordingly.

What are the symptoms of chronic kidney disease stage 3?

Symptoms become visible at chronic kidney disease stage 3. If out of the symptoms mentioned below, you are feeling 3 to 4 symptoms then please contact the doctor once.
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Smell in urine
  • Body swelling
  • Having trouble while breathing
  • Color changing of the urine
  • More or less urination
  • Joint pain
  • Sleeping problem
  • Weakness
Ayurvedic medicines for kidney damage not only work on the symptoms of the disease but also leads to the elimination of the disease from the root. Some of the following medicines are used in the Ayurvedic treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease Stage-3 are:
  • Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is a special medicine in Ayurvedic medicine for kidney damage, it is widely used in the treatment for many diseases. The root of Ashwagandha is dried, powdered and used. Ashwagandha powder helps in getting relief from serious diseases like blood disorders, high blood pressure, and urinary disorders. Also, this powerful medicine for kidney disease, enhances the body’s immunity, sperm quality and gives a boon of longevity by rejuvenating the lost energy.
  • Asparagus: or Satwari vine is used in the treatment of many diseases. It is used by drying its roots in the shade. Asparagus is a chemical medicine, it is a medicine for intellectual development, strengthening digestion, enhancing eye light, healing abdominal air defects. According to some researches, consuming asparagus gives long life.
  • Amla: Amla is used as an Ayurvedic medicine for kidney damage in Ayurveda for a long time and is sour. Apart from this, amla is considered extremely beneficial in dermatophytosis, antipyretic, blood loss, diarrhea, flux, heart disease, etc. Regular intake of amla also ensures longevity. The description of the qualities of Aamla has been written in texts like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Bhava Prakash, and Ashtanga Hridaya.
  • Gorakhmundi: If a person has an infection in the kidney, he has to go for frequent urination. Also, Gorakhmundi has proved to help correct the problem of burning in urine or bleeding in the urine.
So, this was all about the Ayurvedic medicines for kidney damage that may occur because of the CKD stage-3. If you are looking for a treatment that is authentic and approved by thousands of patients then do seek the guidance of Dr. Puneet Dhawan of Karma Ayurveda.


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