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Is it safe to go with Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Failure?

Are these medicines harmful? What can be the side effects of consuming such medicines? Are these medicines scientifically approved? During renal impairment, we create chaos in minds on our own. The renal system of our body is the primary system that filters blood and produces urine. It includes a pair of kidneys (the prime organs), a pair of ureters, a bladder and a urethra. Kidneys filter the blood and convert the sifted waste in a liquidated form known as the urine. The produced urine then transferred by ureters to the bladder that eventually releases through the passage known to be urethra. As soon as the functioning gets obstructed or diseased, it reaches the different stages of renal failure. So, to prevent this loss Ayurveda is a wholesome procedure that incorporates modifications in diet and lifestyle only. To answer all the questions above including ‘Is it safe to go with Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure?’ we are here. In this blog, you will know how much benefit you can derive by choosing an all-natural way over the all-chemical way.

Ayurvedic medicines are completely different from artificial medicines and techniques. The medicines used in Ayurveda come in the forms of yoga, meditation, acupressure, acupuncture, osmotherapy, aromatherapy and perfect manducating. As of this blog, you will know how 4 yoga asanas can play a key role in repairing the damage and how it is a part of Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure.

Yoga has been a part of Indian culture since ancient times. It is best known for building better physic and mind-space. Only an Ayurvedacharya like Dr. Puneet Dhawan of Karma Ayurveda can tell you the hidden and exemplary benefits that this part of Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure provides. Yoga enables all the channels by removing the blockage caused during the progression of renal diseases. It also enables the state of mind to meet the body’s equilibrium.

What is kidney failure?

Kidney failure or renal failure is a kidneys’ condition that marks its presence at the initial stages of renal impairment. It is a progressive disease and can be fatal when left untreated. It can also be termed a lethal disease that gradually declines the functioning capacity of the kidney (s). To know the stage and leftover functioning of kidneys, the nephrologists or Ayurvedic experts would need to know the estimated glomeruli filtration rate. This rate defines the working of kidneys at following different stages:
  • Stage 1: At this stage, the estimated Glomeruli Filtration Rate is 90 ml/min.
  • Stage 2: The estimated Glomeruli Filtration Rate is between 60-89 ml/min.
  • Stage 3: The estimated Glomeruli Filtration Rate is between 45-59 ml/min.
  • Stage 4: The eGFR level drops down to the levels between 15-29 ml/min.
  • Stage 5: The estimated Glomeruli Filtration Rate drops down less than 15 ml/min.

What conditions promote kidney failure?

The conditions can be medical or non-medical. It depends on the following causes that have played a lead role in progressing of renal failure:
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Overconsumption of allopathic medicines
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Frequent renal infections

What are the clues that can help in providing Ayurvedic medicines for kidney failure?

The symptoms at the initial stages can be a simple cough and cold that are generally misunderstood. Following are the associated symptoms of renal impairment:
  • Blood in urine
  • Puffy eyes
  • Lost hunger to eat anything
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Severe headaches
  • Gas and acidity problems
  • Kidney pain
  • Nausea
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Vomiting
  • Frequent muscle cramps
  • Change of taste (metallic taste)
  • Breathing troubles
  • Bad breath
  • High blood pressure

Now let us discuss the yoga asana as a part of Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure. The following four yoga asana is beneficial for you for kidney patient:
  • Ardh Matsyendrasana: This yoga asana makes it easier for you to stimulate the liver and kidney's functioning. It involves the stretching of the chest, hips, and shoulders. It also helps the body in easing digestion, detoxification and maintaining the insulin levels.
  • Bhujangasana: The doctors or Ayurvedic kidney experts recommend this yoga asana to enhance the immune power, strengthens the spine, improves body posture and stimulates the internal or abdominal organs. Bhujangasana also helpful in easing digestion, promoting better bowel movements and reliving the problem of constipation.
  • Baddha konasana: The benefits of Butterfly asana or baddha konasana are: It stimulates the urinary system or the renal system, improves the blood flow from kidneys to the heart, helps in recovering from the depression, anxiety and fatigue and it helps in reducing the elevated blood pressure.
  • Dhanurasana is one of the yoga exercises for kidneys that stimulates the tiny filtering units and boosts the functioning of filtration. It is helpful in strengthening the muscles, neck and abdominal area. During urinary disorders, the risk of kidney infection increases and here Dhanurasana can help in fighting the bacteria by boosting the functioning of an immunity system.
In a nutshell, Ayurvedic medicines for kidney failure are one of the safest and natural properties provided by Ayurveda and mother earth to heal mankind. It rejuvenates the body and helps in leading a peaceful life. If you are in search of an Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment then find the best cure at Karma Ayurveda. Karma Ayurveda is a proprietary of the Dhawan dynasty that is providing its services for more than 8 decades setting a milestone of successful Ayurvedic treatment for kidney patients, every passing day. You too can join the efforts of Dr. Puneet Dhawan, the current leader and the backbone of this Ayurvedic institution in enlightening the holistic powers of Ayurveda. His ideology and vision are the same, making the world free from the web of the artificial process of treatment.


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